Post: The Split: Healing the Fragmented Self


In the social jungle of human existence, there is no feeling of being alive without a sense of identity.” – Erik H. Erikson

In this quote, Erikson refers to self-identity as an essential element for feeling alive. As children, we are born with various gifts and abilities that shape our outlook on life. However, societal expectations and standards often force individuals, especially children, to fit into predefined boxes, disregarding their unique potential and identity. This article explores the concept of fragmented self-identity, the impact of societal conditioning, and the importance of healing the inner child to reclaim one’s true identity.

The Struggle to Fit In: From a young age, individuals are conditioned to conform to societal standards, stifling their authentic selves. Many people recall moments when they felt compelled to engage in activities or behaviors that didn’t align with their true desires or values. This pressure to fit into molds created years ago can lead to feelings of being misunderstood, suppressing emotions, and conforming to outdated expectations.

The Rejection of Nonconformity: Society often rejects individuals who refuse to follow the herd, and this rejection can extend to their loved ones as well. Fear of uncertainty and a resistance to change drive people to discourage experimentation and uniqueness. Consequently, individuals who deviate from societal norms may face rejection and isolation. However, stifling one’s true potential and identity is like snatching away the light from their minds.

Challenging Established Norms: Throughout our lives, we are bombarded with judgments and opinions about ourselves. These negative beliefs, repeated over time, can distort our self-perception, leading us to believe that we are not good enough, smart enough, or attractive enough. But who determines these standards? They are often based on outdated measures that hinder personal growth and progress.

The Inner Battle: For those who have achieved great success by disproving others’ judgments, there can still be a lingering feeling of something missing. Despite external accomplishments, there might be an inner battle, a sense of not knowing one’s true purpose or passions. These individuals may feel intense, complex, or different from others, struggling to fit in and searching for their place in the world.

Healing the Fragmented Self: To embark on a journey of self-healing, one must first recognize the signs of a fragmented and wounded inner child. Patterns of self-sabotage, anger, low self-esteem, and self-doubt may indicate the need for healing. By acknowledging the moments of hurt in the past and understanding their impact on one’s present self, it becomes possible to start the healing process.

Dialogue with the Inner Child: Through techniques like Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) and inner dialogue, individuals can connect with their inner child and offer it love, acceptance, and healing. By apologizing for past neglect, abandonment, or adherence to false beliefs, individuals can begin integrating their fragmented identities and reconcile with their younger selves.

Practicing Self-Acceptance: Before embarking on a transformative journey, it is crucial to practice self-acceptance. This involves embracing oneself with all the perceived faults, defects, and imperfections. While it doesn’t mean giving up on personal growth and change, self-acceptance acknowledges the totality of who we are in the present moment. It allows individuals to surrender to reality and create a solid foundation for personal transformation.

Conclusion: Healing the fragmented self requires a conscious decision to love, accept, and heal the wounded inner child within. By recognizing the impact of past experiences and societal conditioning, individuals can reclaim their true identity and embark on a transformative journey. The hero’s journey lies in understanding oneself, embracing strengths and weaknesses, and becoming the best version of oneself. Through healing and self-acceptance, individuals can break free from the constraints of societal expectations and embrace their authentic selves.

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